This is the mountain the Bessheim guests share with the Norwegian royal family, whom usually celebrate Easter at Prinsehytta (“Cabin of the prince”) in Sikkilsdalen. It is less common now, but enthusiastic guests have returned to Bessheim after meeting members of the royal family at the top of Heimdalshø. The entire hike is visible from the courtyard at Bessheim. Heimdalshø lies in a perfect spot for unusually long sunsets.
The starting point is at Besseggen Fjellpark Maurvangen. A well-marked trail leads up from the camping lot and right to the top. The highest point peaks at 1843 MASL., so take into consideration that you ascend and descend almost 900 vertical meters.
Follow the trail marked by sticks across Sjodalsvatn/ Sjodals lake to Brurskaret. When you reach Brurskaret a marked trail goes steep to the top.
Besseggen Fjellpark Maurvangen at Google Maps: < https://www.google.no/maps/place/61%C2%B029’20.4%22N+8%C2%B050’41.4%22E/@61.4889935,8.8426513,602m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d61.4889909!4d8.8448401>